Our Goals - Coachella Valley High School Alumni Association is committed to the educational advancement of our community through scholarships to post-secondary institutions and to the support of our CVHS students and alumni morally, spiritually, and ecomically. The Association will not be involved in politics or religious activities but will strive to include all age groups of our alumni in activities."
Our Objectives - The Coachella Valley High School Alumni Association will work to accomplish the following: • Establish a datebase of alumni names, addresses, and other data for class reunions planning. • Be of direct assistance to the high school for the purpose of: career resources for student, awarding of scholarships, and participating in role-model programs. • Publish a quarterly newsletter from members and for use in membership drives. • Be of assistance at CVHS during work days, assemblies, conferences, etc. • Conduct fund-raisers to support our activities and to publicize our association. • Provide information about school and membership at games and other school related activities. • Contribute in some form to the music or other under funded programs on campus.